Today is the first day of blogging for me. I am not sure if I am entering into a new era or diving in over my head.
I think this will be a great way for friends and family to watch as our family grows and changes.
Today we stepped out in faith and purchased new curriculum for the kids. They breezed through the original homeschool curriculum we purchased. They will be completely finished with school by March! I decided that might lead them to boredom so we found a great curriculum that will lead us on many adventures that the babies will get to be a part of.
Praise God that my kids love spending time with Hannah. She definately gets to be a part of their schooling daily. I think she believes that she is teaching them!!! Based on the blah, blah, blah with pointing at the computer screen and looking at them like see! She already teaching Kayden algebra!!!
Did I mention she is genius:)